ASMR | Susurros Inaudibles con Atención Personal 💆 (+ Movimiento de Mano)

Ilegna ASMR
发表 5年前

Hii!!! Holaaa!!
How you doing?!!
En el video de hoy haré algunos Susurros Inaudibles con un poco de Atención Personal. Mientras haces algunos movimientos de mano .

* Sabiendo lo mala que soy en haciendo Sussurro Inaudible, pero aún ustedes quieren más de los inaudibles jaja, bueno graciasss me hacen sentir un poco mejor de que quieran mas 🙈😅 jajaj. Agradezco mucho la solicitud! Que siguan viniendo 😊


In today's video I will be doing some Inaudible Whispering with some Personal Attention. While doing some Hand Movements 🖖.

* Knowing how bad I am at Inaudible Whispering yet you guys want more of it lol, well thanksss, makes me feel a bit better about y'all enjoying it 🙈😅 lol. Much appreciate it the request! Keep 'em coming 😊.


Does my Mic/ Camera Quality bother you a bit? Help me change that, lol if you want 😅 by Supporting me down below 🙊?
(eww never thought I would say that 🤧😂).

Anyways, do as you please with them lol. Either way, I just want to thank you, why? Because at least you read my description hah 🖤

(Extra Content ☺😌)
👻 Snapchat: ilegnaasmr
📷 Instagram: ilegnaxo
🎉 Tingles App:

Thank you for watching! Let me know of any Suggestions 🙂! If you enjoyed it, even if it was a tiny tinyy bit, would you mind liking this video, or Idk if you're not subscribed, maybe Subscribing 🙈? You don't have too! Just hope you enjoy(ed) this video & know that I appreciate you!💛
XOXO ~ ilegna


asmr asmr en español atención personal asmr boricua asmr calm asmr hand movements inaudible whispering Movimiento de Mano persoanl attention puerto rican asmr relajante asmr Relaxing Inaudible Whispering Spanish ASMR Sussuro Inaudible
