💧ASMR💧Watersounds💧Marbles💧Soft spoken💧#asmr

-Sleeping Pearl ASMR-
发表 8年前

Hey my Sleepy Pearls!
It took me a while but here is a new video where I try to give you some nice ASMR sounds and visuals with water and marbles. Hopefully there are some of you who are hydro- or aquamaniacs. (≧◡≦) It is soft spoken and most of it goes about the Greek mythology again, because there is a lot of stuff in there about the sea and water. I did some research on it and assembled just the parts which I thought seemed most interesting and relaxing for the purpose of this video. Poseidon, Oceanus, etc..
Thank you for watching! (─‿‿─)
Big hughs SP


Here are some of the references and original quotes that I have used:

Sometimes we forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.
(Jacques Cousteau)

A stream of water, like life, is renewed and renewed..
Though it wears the appearance of
continuity in form.

Ponds, they develop so fast,
because many of their animals and even plants are highly mobile.


Rivers are roads which move, and which carry us whither we desire to go.
(Blaise Pascal)

A lake, is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature.
It is Earth's eye: looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature.
(Henry David Thoreau)

The sea is as near as we come to another world.
(Anne Stevenson)

I have seen the sea when it is stormy and wild, when it is quiet and serene, when it is dark and moody. And in all its moods, I see myself.
(Martin D. Buxbaum.)

The tides are in our veins.
(Robinson Jeffers)

How inappropriate to call this planet Earth, when it is clearly Ocean.
(Arthur C. Clarke)

We never know the worth of water, untill the well is dry.
(Thomas fuller 1732 Gnomologia)



Poseidon in God of War III (one of my fav games EVER)


Oceanus statue at the Trevi Fountain in Rome

*What is ASMR*:

*** Come and say Hi ***

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#asmr #watersounds #asmrwater
#asmrsoftspoken #asmrwatersounds
#relax #watergods #greekmythology


asmr asmr gentle asmr greek mythology asmr hands asmr marbles asmr soft spoken asmr tapping asmr water glass glass sounds relax relaxation sleeping pearl watersounds
