ASMR Cozy Friend Does Your Skincare (layered sounds, hair playing, pampering)

Whispering Willow ASMR
发表 1年前

In ASMR Cozy Friend Does Your Skincare, I (your cozy friend) do you full skincare routine after our night out! We order dessert, debrief about the night, talk about who we unfortunately ran into, and you get the pampering and personal attention of your dreams! This is a heavily layered sounds old school ASMR skincare video. Definitely reminds me of my 2020 content. My FAVORITE part is the gua sha portion so be sure to experience the heavenly tapping and layered sounds. Enjoy my loves.

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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ Timestamps ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
0:00 Start
0:00-1:02 Intro and deciding what we are doing
1:01-3:13 Ordering Dessert
3:13-4:37 Hair Clipping
4:37-6:47 Facial Cleanse (mic brushing, hand movements)
6:47-8:03 Serum (patting, product sounds, tapping)
8:03-12:05 Gua Sha begins (tapping, layered, wiping)
12:05-14:33 Adding Eye Patches
14:33-18:36 Choosing and adding moisturizer
18:36-21:29 Playing With Your Hair/Positive Affirmations
21:29-24:47 Adding A Night Cream
24:47-25:53 Taking Out the Clips
25:53-26:29 ICE CREAM IS HERE!! Lets go eat it and watch a movie MWAH

asmr, asmr skincare, skincare asmr, gua sha asmr, tapping asmr, layered sounds asmr, cozy friend asmr, friend asmr, asmr for sleep, hairclipping asmr, hairbrushing asmr, asmr for adhd, relaxing videos, personal attention asmr, pampering asmr, whispering willow asmr, whispering willow asmr skincare,

My favorite types of ASMR
- Whispers
- Rain sounds, water sounds
- Nature
- True crime
- Makeup
- Roleplays
- Hauls
What is ASMR?
Autonomous sensory meridian response, sometimes auto sensory meridian response, is a tingling sensation that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. A pleasant form of paresthesia, it has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia and may overlap with frisson.

Basically I make quiet noise you go sleep sleep.


asmr asmr for adhd asmr for sleep ASMR Skincare cozy friend asmr friend asmr gua sha asmr hairbrushing asmr hairclipping asmr Layered Sounds ASMR pampering asmr Personal Attention ASMR relaxing videos skincare asmr tapping asmr Whispering willow ASMR whispering willow asmr skincare
