ASMR with gum chewing and whispering 90s trivia cards questions and answers. Includes tapping and other sounds meant to relax you.
Enjoy ๐๐๐งก๐๐๐
My ASMR Trivia and ASMR Gum Chewing playlists:
ASMR Trivia
ASMR Gum Chewing
asmrgumchewing personalattention 90's anxiety asmr asmrbubblegum asmrchew ASMRChewing ASMRChewinggum asmrchewingsounds asmrgum asmrgumchew ASMRMouthSounds attention binaural bubblegum bubblegumasmr card cards chewing chewinggum depression forsleep gum gumchew gumchewing insomnia longnails mouthsounds MouthsoundsASMR Nineties Q&A qanda Redlips rednails relax relaxation scratching sleep tapping Tracing trivia upclose video whisper whispered whispering