Hello, my lovely friends and fellow Tingleheads :) I hope you all are doing well and are ready for a new role play! I recently saw a video in which a lymphatic massage was being performed and it really made me want to make an ASMR role play version, so I did! I hope you find it both equally tingly and relaxing. Enjoy, my friends :)
For another ASMR video with lymphatic drainage techniques included, check out this one from Gentlewhispering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUct97ij3HY
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For updates, early previews of upcoming immersive content, and bonus content from the PixelWhipt team (my Virtual Reality project) come like our new Facebook page here: https://goo.gl/xcQSPN
You can also follow PixelWhipt on Twitter here: https://goo.gl/F4rU5w
I've had people ask about my binaural mic, so for those interested in knowing more about it, here's a link to the company's website: https://goo.gl/Gw5RwI
Common triggers included: crinkle sounds, personal attention, soft spoken
Enjoy, like, subscribe, and leave your requests in the comments below!
asmr calm calming hypnosis relax relaxation relaxing sleep