ASMR Book Haul ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ„(whisper, tapping, SO MANY BOOKS)

Jookie ASMR
ๅ‘่กจ 3ๅนดๅ‰

Hey guys, todayโ€ฆ. Finally another BOOK HAUL. You know I love these, so I hope you guys do as well!! I apologize for the late upload, unfortunately my apartment was super loud the past weeks and full of people so I could not fins time to film. If you have any video or book suggestions, let me know!! Hope you enjoy!

Tip Jar (PayPal):

Small channels I have been living:
- Novel-Tea ASMR
- Cozy Hobbit ASMR
- ASMR October

Future ASMR Video Ideas (please comment which one(s) youโ€™d be interested in most!):

- Inaudible Whispering (attempting to)
- ASMR Journaling (Bullet Journal)
- Whisper Ramble
- Gum Chewing Ramble
- ASMR Crochet Show and Tell
- ASMR Hoodie/Sweatshirts Haul/Collection
- ASMR Day in My Life/ Vlog (voice over)
- ASMR Gaming Video - other than Minecraft
- Euphoria ASMR


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asmr asmr book asmr book haul asmr book ramble asmr book triggers asmr book whispers asmr books asmr close up whisper asmr close whisper asmr haul asmr hauls asmr page turning asmr tapping ASMR Tingles ASMR whisper asmr whispered haul asmr whispering book book asmr book haul book ramble book tapping BOOKISH ASMR books books asmr haul Ramble tingles tingly Whisper ASMR whisper haul whispered book haul whispered haul
