Let’s Talk About PERIODS. Periodt. 🔴

Life with MaK
发表 5年前

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***This video is sponsored by Modibodi

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Step 1: Download the FREE Firework app by using this link: https://fireworktv.onelink.me/iKBL/lifewithmak

Step 2: Follow me (lifewithmak)

Step 3: Join my community chat! THAT’S IT! ❤️ Community chat link: https://fireworktv.onelink.me/iKBL?pid=organic&af_dp=firework%3A%2F%2Fcommunity_chats%2F1088673&af_web_dp=https%3A%2F%2Ffireworktv.com%2Fcommunity_chats%2F1088673

Follow me on INSTAGRAM: @lifewithmak2005

Follow me onTwitter: @lifewithmak2005

Check out my Tik Tok account: _makeennaa

***IMPORTANT! You can book a personal video on Cameo with me!!!
Click this link to book one: https://www.cameo.com/lifewithmak2005

Follow my brother’s IG: @brogan.pug

💕👩‍👧 Check out my mom’s channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiA0l4ovyFO90i-dItbAe-A

Welcome back... to Life With MaK! Or if this is your first time on my channel, hello! 👋🏻 I am MaK (Makenna) and I’m a 14 year old ASMRtist. I am known for my ASMR Mukbangs/Eating Videos as well as my ASMR Role plays (both normal and sassy). My channel is a place for everyone to enjoy and feel safe/welcomed. (My YouTube channel is intended for people 13 years old and older.) Please help keep the comment section positive! If you have never heard of ASMR, I encourage you to research it. ❤️ Please note: I am ACTING in my sassy role-plays, they are for comedic/fun purposes only. 😄

I hope you enjoy my videos!

Help me in my venture to spread positivity, beauty, and self love through individual creativity and artistic expression.

You are perfect just the way you are!

I have a P.O. Box/Business Address For Fan Mail!!!

Life With MaK
1001 A East Harmony Road #161
Fort Collins, CO 80525

$$$ YOU CAN TIP ME/DONATE to support my channel! (PayPal):

Every dollar counts and is truly appreciated!

I hope you have a wonderful day! Thanks again for your support and stay positive!!! 💕

For more information (that is NOT included in this description) please e-mail management at: [email protected]

MaK 🌈


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