Just a little Christmas spin on the good 'ol fashioned Annual Physical Exam!
I hope you enjoy!
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💰Affiliate Links💰- I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be valuable to my viewers. When you buy through my affiliate links it means I get a small commission and you pay no extra - and in some cases, you even get a discount!
💆Sleephones - Headphones you can sleep in! - https://www.sleepphones.com/?aff=32
💤SIMBA Mattress - https://simba.mention-me.com/m/ol/gt1ga-whisper-audios
Any donations are greatly appreciated but not compulsory as my channel will always still be free! I love making these videos for you and am always humbled by the overwhelming love and encouragement I receive from all of you which is, in itself, rewarding enough! To be able to have a positive impact on your everyday lives is something I treasure immensely.
Any donations I receive will help towards the cost of hiring the studio where I record my videos, buying equipment, buying props and collaborating with other ASMRtists. (So pretty much everything related to the ASMR process!)
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