ASMR Camera scratching and tapping

Heyitsjemma ASMR
发表 2年前

Hi everyone I really really hope you all enjoy this video!! 💞💞

Please Like, comment and subscribe if you would like too as it really helps my channel out ! 🦋

If you want to help my channel even further here’s my PayPal. Please don’t feel pressured to do any of this, it is just a small gesture the would help me keep creating content for you all to the best I can! 🤍 :

About me :
Name : Jemma 🦦
Age : 19 ✨
Country : England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Pronouns : She/Her 💞
Zodiac Sign : Leo ♌️
Favourite Trigger : Mic and Face Touching Triggers 💋

Business / collab enquires 😊 :
[email protected]

What is ASMR :
Autonomic sensory meridian response (ASMR) is a tingling sensation that some people experience when exposed to particular types of auditory or visual stimuli such as whispering, tapping and slow movements. 🧡
