Opening gifts! (No talking version) Subscribers from Germany, Canada & Nevada. Crinkly paper! ASMR

What an incredible blessing this was! Thank you, Beate, Wayde, Jayme & Peggy. You enrich my life.
The paper crinkles and the beauty of the gifts are just wonderful!
I hope you will enjoy the winter backdrop as well. We finally got snow that would stick. I love it. A few birds make an appearance as well. But no deer this time.
This no-talking version is shorter than yesterdays Soft Spoken version because I actually edited out my speaking parts. No VoiceOver.
I wanted all of my responses to be genuine as possible in the spoken version.

My lovely intros by Terry Carr

P.O. Box 42
Susanville, California

[email protected]


Tip Jar 🍯:
Please: Only tip out of an overflow of your own blessings.

Key Words:
ASMR Relaxing sounds, ASMR sounds for sleeping, ASMR Immunity, ASMR intoxicating sounds, ASMR sound therapy, ASMR calming sounds, ASMR help for anxiety, ASMR Insomnia help, ASMR Nostalgia, Rebecca’s Beautiful ASMR Addiction, ASMR unboxing, ASMR No talking,


asmr calming sounds asmr help for anxiety asmr immunity asmr insomnia help asmr intoxicating sounds asmr no talking asmr nostalgia asmr relaxing sounds asmr sound therapy asmr sounds for sleeping ASMR unboxing Rebecca’s Beautiful ASMR Addiction
