☾ The High Priestess Sends You to Sleep ☾ World of Warcraft ASMR Roleplay

Daisy Banaisy ASMR
发表 5年前

Greetings...to celebrate the release of WoW Classic (yes, I'm playing a night elf of course) I wanted to make a video featuring my favourite WoW character, Tyrande, and may or may not have gotten a little carried away reading all the lore for the first time. (Since we're starting from the beginning in WoW Classic, this video is set at the start of the storyline, before all the crazy stuff!) I hope you all enjoy it though, whether you're a massive nelf nerd or not ;3;

♡ Regarding my Patreon! I've made a lot of changes recently, and I've begun a monthly Patreon raffle to win a personalised 10 minute video! The next one will be on the 6th of September :3c https://www.patreon.com/DaisyBanaisyASMR

♡ My Discord Server: It's a very chill place we can all hang out and talk, about asmr or anything really, it's such a lovely community! We also recently opened a Minecraft Server together, so feel free to come and join us https://discord.gg/FqFjrrg

♥ My Twitter is gone now, but if you want to see my cosplay content or watch me play video gamesss then you can still find me here! - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daisybanaisy - Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/daisybanaisy

♥ Beautiful Artwork: https://www.deviantart.com/astri-lohne/art/Tyrande-C-746743980

♥ Fountain Sound: https://freesound.org/people/skyko/sounds/169250/

♥ My Patreons allow me to keep doing what I do, and I wouldn't be here without them since it's basically how I'm supporting myself financially now :3 the biggest thanks to all of you, especially: Adrian, Jexar, Logan, Luis, Luke, Mathew, Nickolas, Oofster, Rickardsson, Sam, and Shane!!

Running Waters by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/


asmr Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response Daisy Banaisy ASMR Tyrande Tyrande ASMR Tyrande Whisperwind world of warcraft World of warcraft asmr wow asmr
