ASMR | Asking YOU Would You Rather Questions (Soft Spoken)

Bryoni ASMR
发表 4年前

Would you rather...
As you all loved the first one I did, I thought I would do another. This video was originally around 25 minutes, but for some reason today there were so many cars and external noises so I had to cut loads out. I still wanted to share this with you though. I will do another one again soon :)

#ASMRWouldYouRather #ASMRQuestions #ASMRInterview
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**Comment #SundayShoutout for a shoutout in my next Sunday video. I will pick one person at random**


asmr asking would you rather questions asmr asking you questions asmr british asmr british accent asmr Bryoni asmr calming asmr interview asmr interviewing you asmr pencil sounds asmr questions ASMR Quiz asmr relax ASMR sleep asmr soft spoken asmr test asmr testing you ASMR whisper asmr would you rather asmr would you rather part 2 asmr would you rather questions bryoni asmr
