Thank you for almost 1k subscribers! 🙏 Here's to World Health Day 💚, and April's Day of Silence 🤫. Today's post gives you two ways we can give the gift of health to our bodies: a lymph shower and 'switching'.
Performing a lymph shower on ourself is one of the best gifts we can give ourselves. Watch and follow these 10 easy steps to encourage the lymph system, our defence from germs, free radicals and toxins to have a spring clean! Also follow my 'Switch' mechanism where you can prepare for a long car journey, a day at work, an interview or a date (!) by 'switching' key acupressure points in a particular order. Both actions produce a wonderful reaction in the body resulting in top performance immune system which interacts with the nervous system! This is called neurological organisation, fabulous! It's the best possible support we can instigate for our body.
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1k subscribers acupressure asmr massage self massage switching Thank You victoria sprigg lymph shower bunches