💎 Atlantean Reiki Treatment | Cord Cutting | Light Language

Energetic Healing With Tina B

Welcome to this Atlantean Reiki and energy healing session. In this session, there will be 'no talking"—only intentional light language. We will cut energy cords and karmic ties, address chakra imbalances, and release energy that no longer serves you from the time of Atlantis. Our aim is to help you connect more deeply with your spiritual gifts and achieve your spiritual goals and ascension in this lifetime.

Some individuals carry significant karma and memories from the fall of Atlantis, so please pay close attention to how you feel throughout this experience. My goal is to help you relax and perhaps feel some tingles with these healing hand movements, but I hope you connect with something even deeper during this session.

✨️ Tina B

🎶 With music: 0:00
🚫 No Music: 11:50

💎What is light language?💎

All forms of light language are like condensed digital downloads, packed with abundant information in just a few phrases or a single symbol. Seriously, there is more information and healing than we could possibly fathom.

Rather than straining to "decode" it all, it's best to simply receive them.

Yes, at times, I will describe a feeling or a message that comes along with "light package." The healing and information goes far deeper than the words I'm using to describe it.

Although our brains may struggle to grasp all the information and healing embedded within the transmission, our hearts and spirits effortlessly integrate them. It may take a few days or even a week for you to fully integrate the energy after receiving light language.

With light language, you get what you need in the moment. Each individual may experience a unique feeling from the same transmission, and both experiences are valid. If you notice someone describing a different feeling or understanding from yours, trust your intuition—it's accurate.

This is why light language is such a unique tool. There can be so much unfolding within a short time. Time simply evaporates as you integrate a higher level of consciousness. This creates a cascade of healing, synchronicities, clarity, and so much more even after the session is through.

Light language can be transmitted through voice, eyes, hand movements, dance, and art.


💫 14-day Lemurian & Atlantean Light language immersion:

✨️Services, events, and free resources https://www.energetichealingwithtinab.com/

✨️ Free trial + 25% off Aura Health app.


#reiki #lightlanguage #reikiasmr


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