**If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, or just having a tough time, I hope you'll give Better Help a try: https://www.tryonlinetherapy.com/asmrrequests
For your own FREE mandala printables, sign up at www.trycolorful.com
Hi there, my friends and fellow Tingleheads! I have owed you all a coloring video for a hot minute now, so here it is...kinda. :P Tonight I tried a free mandala from a cool organization called Colorful that emails me a new mandala coloring sheet every week. Give it a try if you'd like to color along with me! :)
Here's the puzzle video I mention in the beginning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft-xCnUVi2A
For those who are interested in donating to my channel, here is a link to my Patreon campaign: http://goo.gl/68PuXH
Products I used or mentioned in this video:
My current favorite foundation: https://amzn.to/2qK9ymY
My hair color: https://amzn.to/2vvIL2v
I've had people ask about my binaural mic, so for those interested in knowing more about it, here's a link to the company's website: http://goo.gl/Jo5BZZ
Common triggers included: binaural audio, ear to ear, pen scratching, finger fluttering, sk sk, soft speaking, tapping, candle
Enjoy, like, subscribe, and leave your requests in the comments below!
anxiety asmr betterhelp calm calming depression hypnosis mental health relax relaxation relaxing SK sleep