ASMR: Relaxing African WOOD MASSAGE in the SAFARI
📍Cape Town, South Africa
Place Name: Tranquila Spa
Name of treatment: African Wood Massage
Aquila Private Game Reserve is 2 hour away from Cape Town and they are currently having a Winter Special so don't miss out on this opportunity! Check it out on their website!
⭐ My BEST ASMR Massage videos to Sleep:
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00:00 - intro
00:47 - Aquila Private Game Reserve
01:30 - left leg oil massage
04:20 - left leg wood massage
08:00 - right leg oil massage
11:03 - right leg wood massage
14:55 - oil back massage
16:40 - massage with elbows
18:00 - shoulder massage
20:43 - neck massage
23:03 - back wood massage
28:17 - head massage
32:18 - right leg oil massage
34:15 - right leg wood massage
35:20 - right arm massage
38:00 - left leg oil massage
39:47 - left leg wood massage
41:28 - left arm massage
45:02 - oil chest massage
46:20 - neck massage
47:04 - conclusion
Hello everyone today I tried a South African wood massage in the safari! This massage treatment was very relaxing and made me fall asleep, it was a traditional african wood massage with oil. The massage therapist was very professional and she used many different techniques to give me a full body massage. She gave me a leg massage, foot massage, back massage, neck massage, shoulder massage, head massage, arm massage and chest massage! If you like asmr massage videos, asmr no talking, south african massage asmr, satisfying massage asmr, asmr real person massage, best back massage asmr and asmr massages in general don't forget to subscribe to the channel!
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