Longest ASMR Roleplay in the Quietest Room on Earth | My Most Realistic Cranial Nerve Exam

发表 10个月前

Longest ASMR Roleplay in the Quietest Room on Earth filmed at Orfield Laboratories in Minneapolis. This video could have been one of my best but, there’s always a but with me…. because i increased the gain at 1000% (because why not) the microphone picked up the movement of the floor. Although I honestly thought I didnt move at all, the sensitivity of the microphone really picked it up. So, with all due respect i hope you enjoy this asmr video shot in the quietest room on Earth. I really wish you subscribe to the channel, as I dont want you to miss any of my future videos!

my personal insta:https://www.instagram.com/just_madspam/
asmr insta: https://www.instagram.com/madpasmr/
my real person asmr channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MadPASMR/videos
For collaborations: [email protected]

⇢Q: Where are you from? Romania

⇢Q: Are you a doctor? No

⇢Q: Where do you live now? Chicago

⇢Q: What was your job before this? Nurse

⇢Q: What is Mad short for? Madalina

Wear Headphones
This is an ASMR medical role-play, I'm not a real doctor and if you have a medical condition please consult with your physician. This video does not display accurate information therefore none of the information should be taken as accurate/truthful facts.
#asmrsleep #asmrroleplay


Longest ASMR Roleplay in the Quietest Room on Earth |
