Hi everyone! :-) First of all, my buddy Korey ASMR is really close to hitting 1,000 subscribers and I would love to help him reach that goal. He’s ridiculously hardworking and sweet and deserving!:
Secondly, SORRY about all of the cuts in this one. The exposure was really wonky and the cuts are a lot less abrasive than the bright flashes of white. Also sorry about the typing 🙃 I should have turned the gain down for sure... Anyway, enough apologizing! I still hope you were able to enjoy this one. Hope you’re having a lovely day! Don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t ✨
🍋Instagram: jinglejangleasmr
🍑Favorite song at the moment: “Dylan Thomas” by Better Oblivion Community Center.
Stay cozy! 💛
keyboard questions relax roleplay sleep southern whisper