Helloooo long time no see! I received a holiday gift box and thought we could enjoy it together.
I know Oct. was a flop, I want to make up for it. I have plans to make more videos but don't want to make any promises until the new year... or maybe later. Peak season at work is late December until about March, so I don't want to make any schedules I can't keep. Hopefully I'll be around more soon! :)
0:00-9:27 = Going through the items in the box
9:28-end of video = Eating contents of the box
12:30-13:30 = Up close eating the pear
Soft talking
Eating (pears, crackers, graham crackers, cake, chocolates)
Some tapping (glass/plastic, box lid)
Paper rustling
Paper/straw bedding crunching
Rustling while bringing out items
Not sponsored! I wish.
I'm an amateur, learning witch! Any advice/spells/etc. are taken at your own risk, I am not responsible in any way. I am not responsible for any links provided.
addie asmr box chocolate chocolates Christmas crackers eat eating eating sounds examine examining gift giftbox gifts holiday look through mouth mouth sounds Open opening pear pears Present soft talking sounds Talking witch