ASMR 2 5 hour Special (Whispered) - Part 1

发表 5年前

I really do apologise my lovelies, try as I might I just couldn't for the life of me get this video as one solid video. I tried piecing it together with Bandicut and I have tried re recording it as one solid video with screen capture software but I don't have enough disk space for it so I have had to resort to my backup plan where I upload it all as separate videos and bung them in a playlist so they'll auto play, I know it's not the same but it's all I can do. I honestly tried everything in my might so I apologise if I got your hopes up in any way. You will be able to view the three segments in the "Playlists" section and the playlist is titled "ASMR 2.5 hour Special."

For those of you who are unsure on what ASMR is or what it stands for, it stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, and it's a sensation (tingles) one gets when hearing certain sounds, seeing certain visual triggers or they are physically touched such as when they are having their hair played with. The tingles should feel like a static tingly and calming sensation that can be felt in the scalp, down the back and sometimes in the limbs. These tingles can make a person feel sleepy, relaxed or more focused, aiding people with sleep, the ability to unwind or study. Not everybody experienced tingles but they still like to watch ASMR as it helps them to unwind.

ASMR is not anyway meant to be sexual. Some people have found ways to sexualise ASMR and upload videos that come under the adult category, however this is not the true intention of ASMR and I will not be uploading anything remotely sexual.

ASMR is not a complete replacement for any medications and if you are really struggling with insomnia and anxiety in the long-term, you could go and seek advice from a doctor and they will be able to help you.


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