What I Eat in a Day Cuz IT'S MAH BIRRRTHDAY Soon lol. MEAT BASED. Let's talk about leafy greens too!

发表 5年前

I'm eating a meat based diet. I don't know how else to categorize it lol. I don't use spices or eat soft cheeses/ cream on a daily basis or at all. I just felt fancy today because it's gonna be my birthday soon and I'm kinda over steak (omg)!! I will be focusing more on quality proteins and fats for a better omega 3:6 ratio in my overall diet, but for today, this is a "cheat day" and you better believe I enjoyed it! :D I also took a look back on all the greens I used to eat and shared my thoughts on that. What are your thoughts on the paleo and carnivore diet? :)

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What is ASMR???
Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is an experience characterized by a tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. Low-grade euphoria: a combination of positive feelings and a distinct static-like tingling sensation on the skin. -Wikipedia

After discovering ASMR and greatly benefiting from the amazing, therapeutic content out there, I decided to re-create my own childhood tingles and nostalgia! And I hope that these videos will provide you with the same calm and relaxation I've experienced with ASMR.


what i eat in a day 2019 what i eat in a day for glowy skin what i eat in a day meat based diet what i eat in a day paleo carnivore
