Whispered ASMR binaural try on of my red lipsticks💄 with lipstick application and removal sounds, kissing, tongue clicking, and lid sounds. Comment your favorite color if you have one and thanks for watching and subscribing! Muah 💋
asmrkiss asmrlids asmrlidsounds asmrpersonalattention asmrtongueclicking asmrwhisper personalattention asmr ASMRkisses Asmrlipstick ASMRMouthSounds asmrredlipstick asmrtapping asmrtongueclicks asmrupclose Asmrwhispering calm insomnia kissasmr kissesasmr LidSounds lidsoundsasmr lipstickapplication lipstickasmr lipsticktryon mouthsounds MouthsoundsASMR redlipstick relax relaxing TappingASMR tingles tingly tongueclicking tongueclickingasmr tongueclicks upcloseasmr whispered whisperedasmr whispering