안녕하세요 Cookiss 💜
보쌈영상이 좀 늦었어요~ 그래도 김장한거 자랑하려고 올려요 히힛!
영상미는 차차... 알아갈게요! 약속!
**** 구독과 좋아요는 힘이되어요! ****
Hey Cookiss 💜
Sorry for the delay but I just had to upload this video to brag (?) about our amazing K-FOOD!!!
Still trying to get a gist of how to make a high quality video... from next video lol
Sleep tight!
**** You are so amazing subscribing my channel! Thanks for your likes and subs! ****
[email protected]
asmr asmr eating boiled port belly Bossam eating show eating show korea eating sounds kfood kimchi kimchi asmr korean food korean kimchi korean mukbang korean spicy kimchi mukbang mukbang korean mukbang show mukbang sound Napa Wraps with Kimchi Napa Wraps with Pork Real Sound realsound mukbang social eating 音フェチ