A Full Body Medical Exam where I examine your face, including your eyes, skin, mouth, and your ears as well as the rest of your body, arms, legs, back, etc! Hope you enjoy this one!
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PATRONS! Thank you!
Emma and Bryon
Time Stamps -
0:00 Intro & Questions
5:00 Putting on Gloves
5:43 Stethoscope on Chest
6:57 Breathing Exercises
8:06 Checking Pulse
9:37 Otoscope Inspection Left Ear
11:25 Otoscope Inspection Right Ear
13:22 Looking at Eyes with Light
16:30 Putting Eye Drops in Eyes
17:50 Inspecting Skin with Light
18:50 Inspecting Mouth With Light
19:40 Feeling Skin with Glove Sounds
20:58 Inspecting Your Back & Shoulders
23:18 Feeling/Inspecting Arms
24:28 Inspecting Joints & Skin
25:33 Feeling/Inspecting Legs
26:49 Checking Legs Reflex's
27:38 Checking Arm Reflex's
28:22 More Soft Spoken Talking
asmr ASMR sleep