♚Q & A-SMR♚ Softly Spoken | *answers to your questions*

发表 9年前

Welcome! So three years worth of questions that have been left unanswered a quite a lot, so why not see how many of them are alike and how many random ones we can fit in as well ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~QUESTIONS~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. How old are you? 2. Any pets? 3. Are you a dwarf? 4. Are you a singer? 5. Single? 6. Do you think you will ever start a vlog channel? 7. Fave colour/face band? 8. Would you date a fan? 9. How do you cure a breakup? 10. Can you rap? 11. How did you fine out about ASMR? 12. Any tips for smaller channels? 13. are you a feminist? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~so please excuse my sarcastic tone in this one, I'll try not to be as dry in my next video :P Thanks for watching and if you have any other questions I'll do my best to answer them in the comments! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸SOCIAL MEDIA🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸INSTAGRAM: navyspirit | TUMBLR: www.thepainofstars.tumblr.com


answers asmr braingasm Mono aural mic questions softly spoken tingles
