WASH AND GO & 2nd DAY HAIR w/ Honey's Handmade,
I did an unboxing of Honey's Handmade products of their Fresh line created with camellia oil and lavender essential. I did a wash and go using their oil and leave in conditioner. I also show you my second day curls with the products. Honey's Handmade make a lot of good products for natural hair.
Check out their website:
Here's my wash day video where I used Honey's Handmade products:
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I'm Daseana or Seana for short. I usually go by SeanaSparkle on social media. :)
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camellia oil and lavender CURLY HAIR ROUTINE daseana defined curls without gel how to get a defined wash and go how to grow natural hair long healthy natural hair long natural hair products for health natural hair seana sparkle second day curls second day hair tips for natural hair growth wash and go wash and go and 2nd day hair with honey's handmade wash and go day 2 wash and go on 3c 4a hair wash and go on 4c hair wash and go with only two products