Pressure point to get rid of a headache

Clear a headache with this pressure point.
☯️No filters no special effects just me sat looking more and more like Buddha talking about a pressure point to ease headaches.
☯️More precisely to ease frontal headaches.
LI4 known as Joining valley is a powerful pressure point known as a clearing point, fantastic to shift all that energy stuck in your head and clear the pain.
☯️Now this point has many benefits but I must warn you not to use during pregnancy... -
☯️To find
1. Press the line of your thumb to the web of your hand.
2. Allow the thumb to roll.
3. At the point the pad of the thumb makes contact with the skin allow thumb to sink into the skin.
4. Do not press simply sink into the point.
5. Hold for 1 to 2 minutes
6. Repeat on other hand
7. Smile headache gone now go make a cuppa tea 😁
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