Do you remember this purse? Well, this is the bomb for a purse rummage! It has the best sounds from items that bump up against the surface of this hard plastic. Absolutely love this. This being the Soft spoken version, it will be shorter than the no-talking version tomorrow. I will have looped it together twice.
Large Clear Bag Transparent...
My lovely intros by Terry Carr
Mailing address:
Rebecca's Beautiful ASMR Addiction
P.O. Box 72
Portland, TN 37148
[email protected]
Tip Jar 🍯:
Please: Only tip out of an overflow of your own blessings.
Requests are absolutely free. Approximately once a year I will announce, via a YouTube video, when I am taking requests. As soon as you see that video show up, send me an email with your video idea. If I accept your request, we will discuss details and stay in contact via email. It is first come, first serve so those who are last on the last will be waiting months or possibly even a year. But it WILL get done. You can expect your name at the beginning of the video and credit in descriptions below. I will contact you when your video is ready to upload. During the time that I am working on requests, I am open for suggestions in the comment section. But I can make no promises, and I will be free to use your suggestion without credit to the individual.
Key Words:
ASMR, ASMR Relaxing sounds, ASMR sounds for sleeping, ASMR Immunity, ASMR intoxicating sounds, ASMR sound therapy, ASMR calming sounds, ASMR help for anxiety, ASMR Insomnia help, ASMR Nostalgia, Rebeccas Beautiful ASMR, Rebecca’s Beautiful ASMR Addiction, ASMR Vinyl purse rummage, ASMR Heavy plastic, ASMR Vinyl squeezing, ASMR Vinyl crinkles, ASMR Purse rummage, ASMR Soft Spoken,
asmr asmr calming sounds ASMR Heavy plastic asmr help for anxiety asmr immunity asmr insomnia help asmr intoxicating sounds asmr nostalgia asmr purse rummage asmr relaxing sounds asmr soft spoken asmr sound therapy asmr sounds for sleeping ASMR Vinyl Crinkles ASMR Vinyl purse rummage ASMR Vinyl squeezing Rebecca’s Beautiful ASMR Addiction Rebeccas Beautiful ASMR