asmr / whispering colourful words in irish

tenderloving ASMR
发表 7年前

Welcome friends..I have made a video for you today in hopes of putting you to sleep. This is all whispered, and there are hand movements throughout the entire video if you're also a visual person, like myself :) This video is kind of opposite to my FIRST asmr video ever, which was the 50 most BEAUTIFUL words in the Irish language. Now, I present to you, some not so nice words you could call people. BUT I am not all about spreading hate and negativity, its all for fun ;) I'm a good person.

First ASMR video:

Aon Focal Eile (song mentioned, hilarious):

Link to the article that inspired this video:

Words Mentioned:
Bladar – shit talk
Craic – the essence of what Irish people bring to the party, good fun!
Crocadóir – someone who would hang you out to dry if given the chance
Dathúil – colourful, comely in appearance
Easóg – weasel, crankiest bitch you can find
Faic – Connemara way of expressing ‘fuck it all’
Faochóg – the ONE drink you say you’re going to have
Focal – literally the Irish word for ‘Word’. Consequence-free swearing
Liúdramán – lazy, lumpy, mess of a person who spends most of their time horizontal
Lofa – rotten, foul person
Plámás – flirting to woo the Irish mythical creature of your desire
Plóta – an idiot through and through
Saoi – your all-knowing wise friend that always guides you on the right path
Spéirbhean – spear woman, a woman as beautiful as the sky
Spréachta – to be electrified with anger, “spark”
Stór – a common Irish word of endearment, “dear”. See also: stórín – my little treasure

Music: State of Mind by Barrie Gledden, Steve Dymond, Jason Pedder
Photo: Mine.


asmr asmr anxiety relief asmr audible triggers asmr calm asmr hand movements asmr irish asmr irish gaelic asmr irish reading asmr languages asmr relax ASMR sleep asmr soft voice asmr tapping ASMR Tingles asmr visual triggers ASMR whisper asmr whisper for sleep asmr whispered ASMR Whispered Reading Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response
