ASMR | Plucking Away Our Chronic Pain

ASMR Bothy
发表 9个月前

Includes tweezer and fluffy mic sounds with soft Scottish whispers, trigger words and gentle mic blowing. Pluck, pluck, pluck it away!

I know how hard living with chronic pain is so let's try pluck our pain out and throw it away because we don't need it! Sending lots of love and care to my fellow chronic pain warriors. 💗

P.S I accidentally dropped some Gàidhlig terms of endearment in here so if you spot them you get a wee prize. 😉✨

#asmrsounds #comfortsounds #asmrforsleep #relaxingasmr #asmrfluffymic


asmrcomfortsounds asmrfluffymic asmrsounds asmrtingles asmrtriggerwords asmrwhispers releaxingasmr asmr asmrcomminity asmrforanxiety asmrforpain asmrforsleep asmrrelaxation Asmrwhispering
