EP 12 | DM Phaerius' LMOP | "Clearing the Books" | Dnd 5e #gameplay

发表 4年前

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Ep. 12 Write-up:
Naegin set out on the high road, in the company of Gran and a few traders, things were going quite well until the Tome of Uncertainty caused a near death experience for Gran, whose arm came alive and attempted to choke himself to death. The other members of the party stopped in at Neverwinter to resupply and sell their loot from Thundertree before heading towards Phandalin to wait on Naegin’s return.

Sildar Hallwinter wasn’t entirely pleased with the group, as Eyvanna’s sudden appearance in Phandalin previously had caused quite a stir. The mayor angrily demanded an apology from Eyvanna for her trespassing in his home. Daelin returned the keepsake from Thundertree to Mirna Dendrar, the lady who they had previously saved from the red cloaks along with her two children.

Naegin arrived in Phandalin after an unfriendly parting with the caravan that had taken him up the high road, and the adventurers set out towards Cragmaw Castle, to hopefully find Gundren and the people who had taken him.

Their journey through the wilderness was met by an assault from hobgoblins carrying wanted posters with their faces, a bounty given to the monsters by the mysterious Black Spider. Their reception at Cragmaw Castle was no less hostile, as a rain of arrows greeted their initial attempts to get inside. A pitched battle began, and the adventurer’s found themselves facing hordes of bloodthirsty goblins, and their beastial hobgoblin allies….
#dnd #twitch #dungeonsanddragons #ttrpg #5e


airlaser campaign d&d DM Phaerius Dungeons & Dragons LMOP module roleplay Roll20 stream streamer twitch twitch stream
