[ASMR] Side Laying Massage to Ease Shoulder Pain & Neck Pain

Sometimes it good to get your client laid on their side that way we can do lots and lots of lovely mobility work like in this video. You will see shoulder rotations, Upper trap stretching, Lat stretching, Lat mobility work and pec minor release, not to mention a huge stretch for the chest that you can feel down the back too, Throw in a little pressure and trigger point work and this is the perfect treatment to reduce your shoulder pain.
This video has been made in partnership with Zenpur who make the most amazing pillows as seen in use in this video... why not celebrate prime day and pick yourself one up
One Unit: https://shanexzenpuruk1.elsl.io/
Pack of 2: https://shanexzenpuruk2.elsl.io/

One Unit: https://shanexzenpurusa1.elsl.io/
Pack of 2: https://shanexzenpurusa2.elsl.io/

You will also notice in the background the most beautiful little steamer, it changes color and you can mix different fragrances

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asmr massage How to Massage massage therapy massage therapy techniques neck pain shoulder pain
