ASMR- Tapping and Scratching Long Fake Nails

AftynRose ASMR
发表 6年前

I’ve been wanting to do another tapping video ever since my first one months ago! I ended up using very cheap fake nails that I glued on and ripped off immediately after this video- because I’ve decided I can’t do fake nails! Im sorry, they just don’t work for me. But I’m glad I used them for this :) it was a nice ritual to put on the nails, take a break from life, and rip them off! I feel like tapping on things really helps pass the time, so maybe this video can help you get through a work day or buckle down and study- I hope it helps somehow :)

I uploaded this alongside my Love Glove video because they’re both handsy and go well together! If you would like to check that one out here’s the link!

ASMR- Glove Love ❤️


aftynrose asmr Ear Tapping fake nails lens tapping nail on nail tapping rubbing scratching tapping
