Hi there,
We all have those days where we feel kinda lonely, stressed or overwhelmed and we just seek some comfort and relaxation.
I hope this video full of soft and soothing triggers helps you relax, unwind and fall asleep.
I did some sleepy fluffy mic scratching and brushing, fabric scratching, some scratching and tapping, face brushing, hand sounds and of course soft whispering.
Hope you have a great day or night!
00:00 Fluffy mic scratching
02:26 Mic & face brushing
04:25 Fluffy mic scratching
05:10 Fabric scratching
06:57 Hand sounds, finger fluttering
07:36 Fluffy mic scratching
09:51 Mic & face brushing
10:58 Lotion tapping & scratching
12:33 Fluffy mic scratching
#asmr #asmrforrelaxing #asmrforsleep #asmrforanxiety #asmrfluffymic #asmrmicscratching #asmrmicbrushing #asmrpersonalattention #asmrtappingandscratching #asmrfabricscratching
asmr asmr fabric scratching asmr fluffy mic asmr for anxiety asmr for relaxing asmr for sleep asmr mic brushing asmr mic scratching asmr personal attention asmr tapping