Hello my connected conifers, welcome to the third part of my Mindfulness 101 series, which will be all about connection to others through self love and positive thinking.
If you haven't seen the beginning of the series, I recommend going back to start at the first session session, where I'll be talking about why meditation is important in general.
Like I said in the first video, I've only been meditating myself for about 6 months now, and it's already improved my general quality of life. So I want to share my experience with you guys - some of the people who are most important to me, and hopefully get you started on your own meditation journey to start out your 2024 with a bit of self love!
I'd love to hear from you in the comments about and thoughts or questions you have about mindfulness or meditation! I'm so excited about the opportunity to be able to discuss some more in depth topics with you guys and to hear your ideas as well!
We'll be starting today by talking about why self love is important to develop meaningful connections, as well as purposeful positivity. For our guided meditation we'll be starting with some breathing exercises, as well as a bit of awareness meditation. Then the main part of today's session will be introducing you to some easy tools to start shifting your mindset from negativity to positivity, and also on developing connections with yourself and others. I'll be softly speaking throughout the session.
And here's the app I've been personally using, as well as where I drew a lot of the structure for this series!
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-Avila Dreamer
-Jonathan Thorson ASMR
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#asmr #relaxation #sleep #sleepaid #mindfulness #meditation #guidedmeditation #mindfulnessmeditation #selflove #selfcare #wellness #mentalwellness #positivethinking
00:00 - How Self Love, Connection & Positive Thinking Can Help with Mindfulness
08:36 - Guided Meditation
anxiety relief asmr asmr mindfulness awareness meditation breathing exercises brushing your face calming comforting connection deep breathing face brushing female guided meditation guided meditation for sleep guided meditation on awareness insomnia love Maple maple whispers mindfulness mindfulness 101 mindfulness for beginners peace pleasant positive thinking relaxing guided meditation SELF CARE self love soothing stress relief sweet tingles