7 Brain Foods for Brain Health | Best Foods to Boost your Brain and Memory Function Increase Power

Peppered ASMR
发表 3年前

7 Brain Foods for Brain Health | Best Foods to Boost your Brain and Memory Function Increase Power-- Welcome to Happy Healthy Healing --

Best Foods to Boost Your Brain and Memory. Brain Foods for Brain Health.

As the control center of your body, it’s a good idea to keep your brain in peak working condition.

The foods we eat play a role in keeping your brain healthy and can improve specific mental tasks, such as memory and concentration.

Here are 7 foods that help boost brain health.

Number 1. Fatty Fish

Fatty fish is a rich source of omega-3's, a major building block of the brain. Omega-3's play a role in sharpening memory and improving mood, as well as protecting your brain against decline.

One study found that people who ate baked or broiled fish regularly had more gray matter in their brains. Gray matter contains most of the nerve cells that control decision making, memory and emotion.

Overall, fatty fish is an excellent choice for brain health.

Number 2. Coffee If coffee is the highlight of your morning, you’ll be glad to hear that it’s good for you.

Two main components in coffee, caffeine and antioxidants, help your brain.

The caffeine in coffee has a number of positive effects on the brain, including :

first, Increased alertness. Caffeine keeps your brain alert by blocking adenosine, a chemical messenger that makes you sleepy.

next, Improved mood. Caffeine may also boost some of your “feel-good” neurotransmitters, such as serotonin.

finally, Sharpened concentration. One study found that when participants drank one large coffee in the morning or smaller amounts throughout the day, they were more effective at tasks that required concentration
Drinking coffee over the long term is also linked to a reduced risk of neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

This could at least be partly due to coffee’s high concentration of antioxidants.

Number 3. Blueberries.

Blueberries are packed with antioxidants that may delay brain aging and improve memory.

Number 4. Turmeric.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has been shown to cross the blood-brain barrier, meaning it can directly enter the brain and benefit the cells there. It’s a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound. In research, it has reduced symptoms of depression and Alzheimer’s disease.

Number 5. Broccoli.

Broccoli contains a number of compounds that have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, including vitamin K. A few studies in older adults have linked a higher vitamin K intake to better memory

Number 6. Pumpkin Seeds.
Pumpkin seeds contain powerful antioxidants that protect the body and brain from free radical damage.

They’re also an excellent source of magnesium, iron, zinc and copper. Each of these nutrients is important for brain health:

Zinc is crucial for nerve signaling. Magnesium is essential for learning and memory. Copper helps control nerve signals.

Last But not least,

Number 7. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate and cocoa powder are packed with a few brain-boosting compounds, including flavonoids, caffeine and antioxidants.

Flavonoids are a group of antioxidant plant compounds.

The flavonoids in chocolate gather in the areas of the brain that deal with learning and memory. Researchers say these compounds may enhance memory and also help slow down age-related mental decline. Chocolate is also a legitimate mood booster.

You can help support your brain health and boost your alertness, memory and mood by strategically including these foods in your diet.

If you have any additional benefits to share with us and the community. Please write them in the comments below.

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7 best foods for brain 7 brain foods 7 Brain Foods for Brain Health 7 brain foods for memory 7 Foods for Brain best foods for brain Best Foods to Boost your Brain and Memory Brain brain food Brain Foods for Brain Health brain health brain health foods brain power food for brain food for brain health and memory foods Boost your Brain and Memory power foods for brain health foods good for brain health healthy foods for the brain top 7 foods for brain
