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Ep 2 Write-up:
The group continued their delving into Cragmaw Cavern and encountered the would-be goblin traitor Yeemick, who interrupted a pitched battle between the party and the remaining goblins in the cave. He demanded that they slay his master Klarg, who the party had already dispatched, and was holding Sildar Hallwinter hostage until they gave in to his demands. The negotiations came to nothing as Yeemick continued to demand more and more of the party, finally throwing Sildar from a small cliff and dying at the hands of the party.
Sildar Hallwinter, the escort of Gundren, gave the heroes the low down on wave echo cave, a lost mine that contained magical ore and the forge of spells, a powerful artifact capable of creating magical items. It seems that Gundren, and his two brothers, Nendro and Tharden, had found the lost cave. Gundren had apparently been escorted to somewhere called Cragmaw castle, to be brought before “The Black Spider”.
The party made their way to Phandolin, loading up the supplies found in Klarg’s cave and promising to escort Sildar as well. Upon arrival they spent some time exploring the town, Sildar promising to find lodgings for them while they did so. They dropped the supplies at the Lionshield Coster, stopped by Barthan’s provisions, and gathered some information from the townsfolk.
Naegin was given a mysterious package, left in the Lionshield Coster for a man of his description by the priestess of the shrine of luck in town. A spell-book, a bit of luck from the priestess and a jeweled silver comb that is to be given to a banshee. Eyvonna befriended the young dwarven serving girl at the local inn, who tipped her off about the manor, the red cloaks and the retired adventurer on the edge of town. Daelin meanwhile, was told to seek out a young boy named carp who found a secret tunnel.
The adventurers headed to Edarmath’s farm, spoke with the retired adventurer, who asked them to take care of the red cloak bandits and their mysterious leader Glassstaff. They were confronted by a few of the bandits on their way back to the inn, who told them to leave town. However, the three adventurers had other plans....
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