ASMR: Scratching Vintage Furniture in the Workshop

henceforth wonder
发表 8个月前

🌟 Welcome to my ASMR world, where the gentle sound of scratching vintage furniture creates a relaxing and comforting atmosphere! I'm thrilled to share this special moment with you all. I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions for future videos. Drop your ideas in the comments below! Thank you so much for your ongoing support and love. 💖

Your support means the world to me. Every time you join me for a moment of ASMR, you bring a smile to my face and fill my heart with joy. If you’d like to help me create even more magical ASMR content, feel free to check out my Amazon wishlist here: Any contribution is appreciated, but please know it’s absolutely not obligatory. I’m just happy to have you here with me!

If you haven’t already, please make sure to subscribe to my channel and activate the notification bell so you never miss a new video. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a wonderful part of this journey!

#ASMR #ScratchingASMR #FurnitureScratching #VintageFurniture #WorkshopSounds #RelaxingASMR #SoothingSounds #CalmAmbiance #ChillASMR #Relaxation #CraftsmanshipASMR #Unwind #ASMRCommunity #VintageWorkshop #PeacefulSounds
#ASMR #ASMRScratching #RascadoDeMuebles #MueblesVintage #SonidosDeTaller #ASMRRelajante #SonidosRelajantes #AmbienteCalmado #ASMRChill #Relajación #ASMRdeArtesanía #Desconectar #ComunidadASMR #TallerVintage #SonidosPacíficos
#ASMR #ASMRGrattage #GrattageDeMeubles #MeublesVintage #SonsAtelier #ASMRRelaxant #SonsApaisants #AmbianceCalme #ASMRChill #Relaxation #ASMRdArtisanat #SeDétendre #CommunautéASMR #AtelierVintage #SonsPaisibles
#ASMR #ASMRKratzen #MöbelKratzen #VintageMöbel #WerkstattKlänge #EntspannendesASMR #BeruhigendeKlänge #RuhigeAtmosphäre #ChillASMR #Entspannung #HandwerkskunstASMR #Entspannen #ASMRGemeinschaft #VintageWerkstatt #FriedlicheKlänge
#ASMR #ASMRGraffiatura #GraffiaturaMobili #MobiliVintage #SuoniDelLaboratorio #ASMRRilassante #SuoniRilassanti #AmbienteCalmo #ASMRChill #Rilassamento #ASMRdArtigianato #Rilassarsi #ComunitàASMR #LaboratorioVintage #SuoniPacati
#ASMR #ASMRArranhando #ArranhandoMóveis #MóveisVintage #SonsDeOficina #ASMRRelaxante #SonsCalmantes #AmbienteCalmo #ASMRChill #Relaxamento #ASMRdeArtesanato #Descontrair #ComunidadeASMR #OficinaVintage #SonsPacíficos
#ASMR #ASMRЦарапание #ЦарапаниеМебели #ВинтажнаяМебель #ЗвукиМастерской #РасслабляющийASMR #УспокаивающиеЗвуки #СпокойнаяАтмосфера #СпокойныйASMR #Расслабление #ASMRремесло #Расслабиться #СообществоASMR #ВинтажнаяМастерская #МирныеЗвуки
#ASMR #ASMR划痕 #家具划痕 #复古家具 #工作室声音 #放松ASMR #舒缓的声音 #宁静氛围 #冷静ASMR #放松 #ASMR工艺 #放松 #ASMR社区 #复古工作室 #平静的声音
#ASMR #ASMR引っかき #家具の引っかき音 #ヴィンテージ家具 #ワークショップサウンド #リラックスASMR #癒しの音 #落ち着いた雰囲気 #チルASMR #リラクゼーション #ASMR職人技 #リラックス #ASMRコミュニティ #ヴィンテージワークショップ #平和な音
#ASMR #ASMR스크래칭 #가구스크래칭 #빈티지가구 #작업장소리 #편안한ASMR #진정되는소리 #고요한분위기 #칠ASMR #휴식 #ASMR장인정신 #휴식 #ASMR커뮤니티 #빈티지작업장 #평화로운소리
#ASMR #ASMRالخدش #خدش_الأثاث #أثاث_قديم #أصوات_الورشة #ASMRمريح #أصوات_مهدئة #أجواء_هادئة #ASMRهادئ #استرخاء #ASMRالحرفية #استرخاء #مجتمعASMR #ورشة_عمل_قديمة #أصوات_سلمية
#ASMR #ASMRखरोंचना #फर्नीचरखरोंचना #पुरानाफर्नीचर #कार्यशालाकेध्वनि #आरामदेहASMR #शांतध्वनि #शांतवातावरण #चिलASMR #आराम #ASMRकला #आराम #ASMRसमुदाय #विंटेजकार्यशाला #शांतध्वनि
#ASMR #ASMRKaşıma #MobilyaKaşıma #VintageMobilya #AtölyeSesleri #RahatlatıcıASMR #RahatlatıcıSesler #SakinOrtam #RahatASMR #Rahatlama #ASMRZanaatkarlık #Gevşemek #ASMRTopluluğu #VintageAtölye #HuzurluSesler
#ASMR #ASMRKrassen #MeubelKrassen #VintageMeubels #WerkplaatsGeluiden #OntspannendeASMR #KalmerendeGeluiden #RustigeSfeer #ChillASMR #Ontspanning #ASMRVakmanschap #Ontspannen #ASMRGemeenschap #VintageWerkplaats #VredigeGeluiden
#ASMR #ASMRRepor #MöbelRepor #VintageMöbler #Verkstadsljud #AvslappnandeASMR #LugnandeLjud #LugnAtmosfär #ChillASMR #Avslappning #ASMRHantverk #KopplaAv #ASMRGemenskap #VintageVerkstad #FridfullaLjud
