Hey cuties! ♥
I decided to upload a video today because I couldn't yesterday, there will still be another one tomorrow though!
So this is our second video with the new mics, I'm sorry about my computer fan maybe being a bit loud today for some reason, I hope you can just view it as some kind of white noise or something... :')
It's also another live recorded video and I was trying to keep the makeup I did for the failed recording yesterday.
The video contains whispering to calm you down, like "it's okay", "relax" and more as well as face brushing/camera brushing.
I hope this can help you sleep, study and relax ♥ Enjoy!
Huge shout-out to my boyfriend who is cutting the videos for you guys!
Sleep tight and Gute Nacht ♥
Twitch Live Streams - https://www.twitch.tv/asmr_divinity
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ASMR_Divinity
Previous Video: https://youtu.be/fljJiK7t2ik
Business Contact Mail: [email protected]
ASMR Divinity asmrdivinity camera brushing divinity face brushing it's okay relax