Hi! Today's video is a closed eyes follow my instructions with broken telephone, word association with the alphabet game, and some relaxing pulling, plucking and snipping with layered sounds. I found 3 monday minis that I realized I had never posted so I decided to smush them together into one video. I hope you like it!
If you like this video give it a like, subscribe, and tell me what else you want to see from me!
#asmr #followmyinstructions #asmrplucking
00:00 intro
00:01 first video broken telephone *layered sounds*
09:40 second video pulling, plucking & snipping *layered sounds*
18:52 third video word association alphabet game *voiceover*
Nymfy x
✖︎ [email protected]
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(my instagram is private and inactive)
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✖︎ Spotify Podcast ✖︎ https://open.spotify.com/show/5dEiCpZqKE2o686aMvLC9c?si=vuSqCDIVTUijBGV4YtiWzA
✖︎ Amazon Music ✖︎ https://music.amazon.com/artists/B0DJWK247R/nymfy-asmr?marketplaceId=APJ6JRA9NG5V4&musicTerritory=IT&ref=dm_sh_8uIzHtSS0me2IxDnRiTOL5Pbd
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asmr follow my instructions