Hello and welcome! 🤗 Whispers are back! Today I brush the mic, and you, with a soft body brush using the bare mic, foam and fluffy cover for some tingly variety.✨ There are some gentle scratchy sounds too. I didn't go super hard or fast with this one but if you want a fast version just let me know in the comments below. ⬇🙂 Let me know if you preferred the bare mic, foam or floofy cover as well so I can feature your favourite in future videos. 😊
Please don't forget to like & subscribe if you haven't already. I really appreciate every single one of you. 🥰
P.S Apologies for how tired I look in this. 😫 And bonus points if you notice the moment I make a face when I spot a nice sound combination. 😅
Floofy intro & catch up: 00:00
Bare mic brushing: 2:49
Brushing you: 5:48
Back to bare mic & nail scratching on brush: 7:08
Foam cover brushing: 8:39
More nail scratching & brushing you again: 10:59
Back to foam brushing: 13:08
Fluffy cover brushing: 14:41
Final brushing you: 17:15
Back to fluffy brushing: 18:32
Sleepy, floofy outro: 20:10
#asmrmicbrushing #asmrrelaxing #asmrforsleep
asmrbothy asmrfluffybrushing asmrfluffycover asmrfoambrushing asmrpersonalattention asmrscottishaccent asmrforsleep asmrmicbrushing asmrrelaxing