Please use your headphones to get the best experience from this video.
Hi everyone!
Today I’m teaching you a bit of French! There are basically two parts to this video. In the first part, I go through a list of vocabulary words I wanted to teach you, I also use these words in sentences in French and translate them to English. In the second part, I count to forty in both French and English to finish off on a relaxing note.
It's not the most basic French course (as in it's not really beginner-friendly), but as I was researching for this video, I've seen so many already made on Youtube, so I wanted to offer something different. Not sure I’m the best french teacher out there though, I find my sentences to be so clumsy! I hope you’ll find the video relaxing anyway 😁
The ASMR triggers you will encounter are: soft-spoken voice, whispered voice, counting, unintelligible parts if you don’t understand French.
Timestamps :
0:00 : Intro
3:48 : Une peluche / A stuffed toy
6:50 : Un fantôme / A ghost
9:08 : Un mème / A meme
11:27 : Une frange / A fringe or bangs
13:24 : Un coiffeur / A hairdresser
14:13 : Une manucure / A manicure
15:15 : Un ou Une vampire / A vampire
16:49 : Un tapis / A carpet
18:24 : Rose trémière / Hollyhock
21:22 : Un boulanger ou une boulangère / A baker
23:33 : Une aquarelle / Watercolor (US) or Watercolour (GB)
25:50 : Une paruline jaune / A yellow warbler
28:05 : Une nature morte / A still life
32:05 : Counting to 40
36:20 : Outro
Please let me know what kind of videos you would like to see next in the comment section, as I plan on producing two videos per week from now on! I already have a lot of video ideas, but I would like to know which ones I should prioritize.
As this has been requested in the comment section a while back, I created a Patreon page where you can support me, only if you want to:
As I will mostly rely on my videos this year to earn a living, any help is welcome. Whether it’s subscribing to my channel, watching my videos, liking them, sharing, commenting, or supporting me on Patreon, I really appreciate your support. Also, I’ve added some tiers and benefits, you can check them out on Patreon if you’re interested 😊
You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram to be updated on videos recordings and everything behind the scene:
Instagram : BehindTheMoons
Thank you for watching the video and for reading the description! Take care,
asmr basic french asmr counting in french asmr français asmr french lesson asmr french teacher asmr french tutor asmr learn french asmr learning french vocabulary asmr soft spoken asmr teacher asmr teaching french asmr teaching you french asmr teaching you french vocabulary asmr whispers FRENCH ACCENT ASMR french asmr je t'apprends le français je vous apprends le français learn a new language learn with asmr Teaching you french