ASMR Playing with Snow/Snow Sounds❄️

melissadenise ASMR
发表 3年前

Hi friends!
So this isn't the normal videos I usually upload but it recently snowed where I live (which is rare) and I thought I would take advantage and scoop some up to make a video with it!❄️❄️ I thought some snow sounds and dying the snow with food coloring would be fun. I hope you enjoy! Please stay safe, happy and healthy friends!! 💙

ps - in case anyone was wondering yes my hands were freezing the entire time touching the snow!! I don't know what I expected😂❄️


In case you wanted to catch my last video "Ear to Ear Trigger Words starting with C" 😄


asmrcommunity asmrinaudible asmrsleep asmrsounds asmrtriggers acrylics asmr asmrmassage asmrsnowball asmrvideo brainmelt braintriggering crinkles longnails nap notalkingasmr OddlySatisfying relax relaxation relaxing Satisfying sleep snow snowasmr snowdayasmr snowyasmr snowyasmrplay sounds tingles trigger triggers videoplaylist whisper आराम करें नींद फुसफुसाना 音フェチ
