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Happy Monday!
I was surprised when looking back at my collection of videos that I've never done a classic asmr school nurse/lice check video before! So, I thought today would be a great time to make one for you all!
There are lots of those classic, relaxing triggers you all know & love, which include: personal attention, layered sounds, soft speaking, typing, hair brushing, and more!
Hope you enjoy!
P.s. apologies for the light rumbling sound in the background from 00:25-07:14, my hot water tank decided that RIGHT when I began filming was the perfect time to turn on. And in perfect me fashion, I didn't notice it was running until i was editing lol
Time Stamps:
00:00 Hi there kiddo 💙 typing & getting you a treat
02:18 Explaining what lice are & how the lice check is going to go
07:26 Inspecting your hair with a flashlight (layered sounds)
11:06 More closely checking your hair
16:48 Combing the lice out of your hair
23:23 Spraying on a scalp treatment
26:15 Giving you some colouring to do while I type up your results (inaudible whispers)
30:49 Thanks to my patrons!
Thank you to Jon Algar for their music "Magical Garden" which accompanies my end credits!
You can check out this and other soundtracks of theirs on Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/artists/jon-algar/
All music/sound effects are from Epidemic Sound & their associated artists:
Thank you to their community for a fantastic collection!
End graphics made in: https://www.canva.com/
#asmrschoolnurselicecheck #asmrlicecheck #asmrroleplay #asmpersonalattention #asmrlicecheckroleplay #asmrinspecting #asmrsoothing #asmrforsleep #asmr #serenesleepasmr #asmrsoftspoken #asmrtyping #asmrschoolnurse #asmrhairplay
asmr asmr lice check asmr personal attention asmr school nurse asmr school nurse lice check asmr serene asmr serene sleep ASMR sleep lice check asmr serene serene asmr serene sleep serene sleep asmr sleep Sleep ASMR sleep serene