Lets go on a walk in the woods together. Enjoy nature sounds and up close whispering.
If you would like to donate to support this channel. $5 will get a thank you postcard with my art (please include address in your note). Thank you so much: https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=C22SDKT3RMHK4
Check out my art channel, I hope you stop by https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYbJExWo4VNkSWF43UeCZSQ
Enjoy! I wish you a relaxing, sleepy weekend.
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Website: Coronafineart.com
asmrnature ASMRReading ASMRrequests bestasmr crinklesounds crinklyleaves crunchyleaves crunchysounds FallASMR fastASMR gentleasmr gentlesounds inaudiblewhisper inaudiblewhispering inaudiblewhispers loveasmr nature'sasmr naturesounds octoberasmr peacefulASMR relax relaxasmr scaryasmr sleep sleepysounds slowasmr soothing.sounds soothingasmr stressrelief unintelligibleasmr UnintelligibleWhispers unwindsounds whisperingasmr whispersasmr