Hello Vortex fam, I know that a lot of you love my mouth sound videos! and I wanted to try something different with it this time. I hope it worked out well! Enjoy the ASMR.... Vortex Loves You! X
Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuStGe5GW5CylDayt1lMFlA
Social Media:
instagram: http://instagram.com/nhterdny
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nihat-Erdenay-145607765502768/?fref=ts
twitter: https://twitter.com/nihaterdenay
snapchat: xxroarxxroarxx
Donations: https://www.paypal.me/NihatErdenay
asmr blowing asmr ear eating asmr ear eating intense asmr ear eating male asmr mouth sounds asmr mouth sounds ear eating asmr mouth sounds male asmr mouth sounds wet asmr soft mouth sounds asmr soft mouth sounds ear blowing asmr wet asmr wet mouth sounds