ASMR Careful Crinkles to Give YOU Tingles ✨ (NO TALKING) Plastic, Paper, Crinkly Rain Coat, Vinyl +

发表 4年前

#notalkingasmr #crinkles #ASMRMagic ✨ Hello, I have an hour of pure crinkling sounds for you using 12 different crinkly items, including the much loved PVC rain coat, tissue paper, bubble wrap, sticky vinyl and a couple of new crinkly triggers, plus the beeswax candle has had 2 babies 😝 I hope you enjoy and I thank you for watching, love ~ Rhianna 💖 xoxo


00:00 - 02:14 - Preview

02:15 - 07:17 - Plastic bubble packaging, deep crinkles & crinkly brushing

07:18 - 12:03 - Pink tissue paper

12:04 - 16:16 - PVC rain coat, deep crinkles

16:17 - 21:01 - Plastic bag of flowers

21:02 - 25:04 - Vinyl sheet. Sticky, fizzy crinkles

25:05 - 30:18 - Plastic wrapped cotton pads

30:19 - 35:40 - Vinyl ice bag, deep crinkle

35:41 - 39:44 - Bubblewrap hourglass

39:45 - 45:19 - Crinkly fabric book. Crisp crinkling

45:20 - 50:31 - Tissue paper pineapple

50:32 - 54:35 - Crinkle ball

54:36 - End - 2 cellophane wrapped beeswax candles

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🎬 Previous Upload: (3Dio Triggers)

💅 Nail polish - Coca Cola Red by OPI

💎 Amazon affiliate links if you wish to support my channel/the ASMR prop fund for free whilst shopping :)
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❤️ Love, ASMR Magic xoxo

P.S. don’t laugh at my rain coat dance, it doesn’t look weird at all 🙊


1 hour ACMP amsr asmr asmr for sleep asmrmagic beeswax candle binaural relaxation bubblewrap crinkle crinkle ball crinkles crinkling deep ear sounds high quality ice pack magic asmr no background noise no talking paper pvc rain coat sleep Sleep Aid study aid tingles
