In this asmr video i do fast and aggressive layered hand sounds . As always: high sensitivity/high gain, deep/bassy sounds and stereo, kinda. No talking. Hope you enjoy the video and you can sleep/study/focus or just relax to it 😴
Red - Setting and breaking the pattern
Purple - Palm clapping
Yellow - Finger flicking
Green - Finger sounds
Orange - Rhythmic sounds
Blue - Rubbing
and there's finger snapping obviously :D
Channel art/picture made by - archibrasas (Youjin Tsukino) 😊
Video suggested by HydroAsh :)
The intro was suggested by Anish Pol :D
#asmr #handsounds #fastandaggressive
aggressive asmr bassy deep fast fast and aggressive Finger finger snapping finger snaps focus hand sounds High Gain High Sensitivity no talking relax rhythmic rubbing sleep snapping snaps study unpredictable fllickering asmr 2021