hey lovess! I hope you enjoy some completely inaudible whispers/ gibberish whispers. good night and sweet dreams, edafoxx
LIVE NOW https://www.twitch.tv/edafox
#gibberishwhispering #inaudiblewhispers #handmovements
❤️ INSTAGRAM @edafoxx
❤️ ASMR TWITCH twitch.tv/edafox
❤️ TWITTER @edafoxx
❤️ DONATIONS https://www.paypal.me/edafoxx
❗ If you are new to asmr I highly recommend you to do your research on it. It is a physical response to sound and visuals which can feel like a shiver down your back or purely relaxation. my videos are made for these purposes. have a wonderful day!
asmr gibberish inaudible asmr gibberish slow asmr gibberish whisper asmr inaudible asmr inaudible gibberish asmr slow whispering asmr whispering Gibberish ASMR gibberish inaudible inaudible whisper inaudible whispering slow hand movements whispering inaudible