[ASMR] Back to School RP | MattyTingles

Matty Tingles
发表 6年前

I know a large majority of you are back in school or going back to school soon so I hope the timing of this works out LOL! In this RP, I get you ready for school and go over what you need to school supplies this year. I hope you like orange juice and school supplies! LOL

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Hey! My name is Matty and I live in Oregon. I’ve been an avid viewer of ASMR for over 7 years and I started my channel December 16, 2016. I normally upload 2-4 times per week! I love creating content and pushing the culture of ASMR forward by creating cool things and collaborating with people who inspire me. Stay tuned and thank you for being here.

- My Other Channels - (GO SUBSCRIBE)
Vlog: “Everything Matty”
Music: Matty Music


- Social Media -
Twitter: @mattytingles
Instagram: @mattytingles
Snapchat: @MattySnapping

💼 Business Inquires
[email protected]

Mailing Address:
PO Box 953
Turner, OR 97392


Acting amazing asmr autonomous back comment edited EverythingMatty fun greenscreen Highlighter like list lunch matty mattytingles new pencil relax relaxing School sounds subscribe Summer supplies to viral
